Friday, September 16, 2011

fall of her life

Mirage is responding to banamine and iso, but its been three weeks....her laminitis is now chronic. just prairie hay and enough senior feed to hold the molassas subdued, pulverized medicine. she likes the molasses, hates the morral, but her teeth are 19 and, well she drips too much not not wear one. never knew old Arabs were so prone to the colder weather, but makes sense, she is the only rescued critter on the place that actually enjoyed the 100 plus days in a row...spindley front legs were shaking last nite when I dosed her, so I shook out the blankey and straped it on...she needed it. if she can't walk better, and we can't keep enough fat on her will she make it to winter? sort of dreading the winters hard ground to dig in, but maybe she'll slip into a perpetual sleep while the earth has some warmth left.....will have to find another throw away mare to keep, Drifter will absolutely demand it. if its not an Arab, that would be okay, but we learned a lot from her breed, mostly that when you are found starved down to 400 pounds, contract West Nile while in rehab, that all days that came after and since were worth living for...Drifter would agree too.....

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